Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Two years ago, I embarked on an LDS mission to serve in and around San Jose, California. When I left, my household was not what I'd always imagined it would be. Financial stress and the weight of terminal disease weighed heavily on our minds. At times I'd wonder, "Am I running away?" Had my mission become an escape route from my life of pain and rejection? Or perhaps I had some hope that my enlisting in the service of my God would grant my family a free pass from the trials that befell them. But each night as I lay in my bed looking up I knew why I was there: Because I needed to be.

My service didn't prevent the death of my father. Nor did the economic situation of my family drastically improve. Rather, I improved. A maturity that I had very obviously lacked was coming to light. I knew more what it meant to sacrifice, to have to work hard every day and come home and feel like you just can't do it again tomorrow. I learned that as we follow inspired council, we are blessed and when we ignore it things do not turn out well for anyone. Some lessons took longer to learn than others, and some scars have yet to heal completely, but I know that despite the cost, despite the hard times, the good times were worth it.

I'm glad to be back home and to be able to share more of my life lessons with you who read this post. I hope to be able to contribute a more adult perspective on the subjects I address. Thank you, I'll post again soon.