Tuesday, September 1, 2009

For My Faithful Readers

It occurs to me that because my blog has few pictures (none of them of babies) and because I have no wife and kids or garden to write about, what I have to write is of no importance. Well, I wrote this blog knowing that it would not be as popular as some, but it still pains me to see that there aren't any new comments to my posts. Perhaps I need to broaden my target audience. Therefore, I will heed the suggestion of my elder sister Nancy and include some of the poetry I have written. I hope those who read this will soon check my blog again for my latest writings and spread the word.


Julie Ann said...

Just because we don't comment, doesn't mean we don't look forward to every time you write. Keep it up! And I look forward to your poems.

Anonymous said...

I also read this, but I don't typically have time to comment. I could write entire philosophical dialogues based on what you write, and I don't have the time to write that much.