From the first clear shining ray,
We don the costume that we show the world.
From the way we comb our hair,
To the very clothes we wear,
Care I to see just how your lashes curl?
Like some actors in a show,
Dolling up the best we know,
In hiding from a cruel and unkind time.
When you're asked to give your choice,
Act as though you have no voice,
"You surely cannot in your two cents chime."
Bust'ling back and forth to make,
Masks that all through life we take,
To hide ourselves in plain sight, as it were.
For its what we fear the most,
If while through this life we coast,
That the world tests to see our will is sure.
And when they test your mettle,
Your nitch in life you'll settle,
Perhaps you will be ready then when asked,
To discard your old disguise,
And discover just how wise,
It is to cause yourself to be unmasked.
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