Sunday, January 11, 2009

Making Time To Be Patient

Its a fact of life that even the most thought-out plans may have unforeseen complications. You strive to prepare as well as possible, but despite your sincerest efforts you are foiled. Often times, the "wrench in the works" is something that, though trivial it may be, remains an insurmountable barrier. For instance, the chief resource of transportation for the evening is rendered unusable due to the fact that it was already being utilized by a co-inhabitant of one's abode. The lack of communication regarding the aforementioned fact results in raised tempers and frigid fingers and toes. The whole affair could have been avoided by planning further ahead and cooperation between the individuals involved. I point I wish to make is thus: Plan ahead, people aren't perfect. Do as much as you can yourself, allowing for your own error and those of others. When things do happen to go wrong, losing your composure is the least helpful thing to do. When you get emotional, everyone else does too. Take a deep breath and decide what to do next. When you have resolved the issue, hold no malice for those who contributed to it. You are as imperfect as they. The whole experience will help everyone make the wiser decision in the future.

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